Monday, February 28, 2011

Death of a child

Death of a child is the worst thing a parent has to experience.  It is devastating and leaves a whole in your heart forever.  How do I know this?  Fourteen years ago a drunk driver took the lives of two of my children and to this day I feel a loss; an emptiness.  My daughter was pronounced brain dead at the age of eleven and my son had so much internal damage that he was pronounced dead at the scene.  My eldest, was twelve and seriously injured but thrives today at the age of 26.  It is this lonesome child that kept me sane. It's difficult to imagine how life would of been so different for us all especially my son to have his siblings.  Fortunately, I am lucky to survived with my marriage in tact.  Although there were a few rocky years that had to be worked through.  Every person touched by children's lifes has experienced this loss as they were wonderfully active children and dearly missed by many.  Some days are more difficult than others but some of the numbness has worn off through the years but the emptiness is still felt.  Even though the tears do not come as often, they stil ldo flow.  All it takes is a song, event, a special child...  It is a lifelong sentence of sorrow.  Now each night I look above and say a special prayer to my loving angels that have worked to help us through this difficult plight.

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