Friday, March 4, 2011

Stages of Development with Pics

 What was that?  Look at the curiosity and she wants to get into everything.  Just wait until she can walk.  She's ready to go . . . Allow children the space and freedom to use their senses to explore their world giving them opportunities to plant the initial seeds and brain wiring for all future learning during these formative years.  Enjoy and have fun with them at this age!  Watch their little minds absorb everything around them. (Infants)
What you want to know what I may be thinking?  Well let's see, I am wondering what you are doing, if I am interested in what you're doing, or whether I want to do something else.  Sometimes adults are just boring and I need to go off and explore on my own but I want to know that you are around to give me positive reinforcement and assurance for security.  I need to know I can trust you and want to know that you are close but I want to do things all by myself.  Sometimes my big sisters don't understand that and they want to invade my space.  I wish they would just leave me alone so I can pick my own blueberries, dress my own dolls, draw my own pictures . . .  I want to do it all by myself!   And you are aware that at this age the world is mine, you are mine, everything is mine and I am not really interested in sharing what is mine.  But that is normal for me, I am a toddler after all!

 Oh yes!  I am a princess and I do like to be in charge of the entire world if you let me.  I like to dance and keep busy at all times.  The world is never dull when I am around.  I like to talk about everything and everything.  Yes, I expect you to be listening and to follow my directions.  I want to be the boss and I like to show everyone what I can do.  Did you know I can do cartwheels?  Hop on one foot?  and much, much more?  I am extremely busy and if you follow me all day long, I promise you will be tired at the end of the day or if not sooner- that is if you can keep up.  Ha !Ha!  See if you can . . . (Preschool)
I like to put things together and build things.  I already know my colors and shapes.  I can play cooperatively with others and I do not always have to be in charge but I still like to be the boss when I can.  I don't like to clean up but I will if you give me the appropriate guidance and show me how you want me to do it.  I am learning how to write letters and draw shapes.  I know many letters of the alphabet and some of their sounds.  I am learning directionality (ldft to right, top to bottom) which is important as I am an emergent reader in pre-k.  I like to follow schedules and routines.  When things are different, I can easily become confused and sometimes irritable but I do adjust.  It's just difficult when I am expecting one thing and it doesn't happen.  Do not make promises to me unless you can follow through and never, never lie to me or I will begin to not trust you.  Use kind words and positive speech and I will understand.  I like to be rewarded and receive positive reinforcement for my accomplishments.  I am willing to learn and like to do things independently, so please do not do things for me.  Let me do them myself!  I am very opinionated at this age and yes I like to talk a lot. (Pre-K)

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