Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today's Children

As a society we need to realize that everything we do has an impact on the future of our children.  It is our responsibility to assure that ALL children receive fair and equal access to the experiences and opportunities they require to grow and develop as they learn to become productive, self-sufficient, independent, honest and responsible young adults.  We need to set exemplary models for children to follow treating each other honestly with respect and empathy communicating openly and actively listening to one another, each and every minute of our lives.  We need to illustrate to children by our own actions that we care about others through our actions by volunteering, helping others when needed and being considerate to our neighbors.  When children of all ages observe their role models showing kindness, honesty, and respect to others, they themselves learn and practice these traits.  This occurs with everything, children and students observe throughout life.  Therefore, it's important that ALL adults realize that each action they take not only affects them but those around them as well.  I have always tried to be an excellent role model for those around me and I hope that as a society, we can all work towards this rather simple goal because I know the world would be a much happier place if ALL people were kind and empathetic to each other.  Don't you agree?

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