Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Child's Best Teacher is YOU!!

Ever wonder what and who builds the foundation for a child to learn?  It's you!  Role models~ those a child looks up to and adores influence everything a child will do and say.  They influence learning on the most fundamental levels from the way they speak to a child to the behaviors they exhibited in front of a child.  A child who is spoken to in a normal tone of voice using a wide vocabulary from birth tend to speak clearer and are quicker to form sensible sentences than a child who only hears baby-talk and a limited vocabulary.  This simple behavior sets the foundation for all language and literacy development (reading and writing).  Children who experience a large diverse vocabulary in their early years tend to be better readers and therefore better students when they are in school.  So what can you do?  Talk to your child with a normal tone; read to them at least once a day if not more; sing songs; read poems and rhymes and let your child act out these things using movement illustrating their understanding in the form of play.  Show your child that reading is pleasurable by reading to them but by reading in front of them whether it's the newspaper, books (paper or electronic), etc.   Remember you must model the behavior you wish to see from a child for many years.   Make it meaningful and nurture your child during the process of learning and you will see them bloom beyond your expectations. 

This same basic principle applies to all areas of development.  If you are a coach potato that does nothing but watches TV and plays video games while at home, chances are that is what your child wants to do and will do.  They want to be like you.  So go outside~ ride bikes; swim; go to the park; run; play ball; swing and have fun as a family.  If you want your child to grow up physically fit show them how.  If you want your child to have healthy social relationships with the ability to express their emotions appropriately, you must model how to do this.  How do you get along with others?  How do you react to situations?  Are you physical?  Do you yell and scream then stomp off?  or Do you discuss, reason, compromise or agree?  What do you want your child to learn?  Teach them to use their words to express themselves and not their mouths or fists (biting or hitting).  Show them how to love, how to be friends and how to disagree.  Teach them about right and wrong.  Set reasonable age-appropriate expectations with reasonable age-appropriate consequences  but remember to model the behavior and provide consistency and follow-through if you want to be successful.  Children thrive with reasonable boundaries and guidelines.  It shows them you care if you follow-through and pay attention at all times.  The rules and consequences will change or be altered as the child ages, but remember to pay attention to what is of most importance to them because if they risk losing that, you will  have better control.  Is it easy?  No Way!  But it works.  It takes time and a huge amount of patience on your part.

Remember with children it is not the quantity of time but the quality of time you give them that has the greatest impact.   You are the one who offers them the opportunities and experiences that allow them to learn and grow throughout their young lives.  If you fail to offer them these opportunities or experiences as an outstanding role model, your child will not learn, or thrive.  Pay attention~ a child's behavior is typical transparent.  Although you often need to figure out what they are trying to say especially if you have not taken the time to show them how.  It's up to you.  Are you a good role model?

The same applies to bad behaviors like cussing, lying, stealing, fighting, smoking and drinking.  A child doe not come into this world with bad habits.  They are learned!  Typically they are learned from either adult role models or older siblings.  Beware of your own behaviors and the influence they have on young children.  I remember as a child always being told to "do as I say, not as I do."  However children prefer to do as you do and that does not always agree with what you say.  If you want your child to avoid bad habits and behaviors, you must first end yours.  Otherwise your child will grow up just like you in many ways.  Are you ready for your clone?  Maybe or Maybe not!  Depends on whether you have a good moral character to begin with.  So again, I ask, Are you a good role model?

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