Thursday, June 23, 2011

Remember When . . .

Remember when -
  • you took your first step
  • spoke your first word
  • your first day of school
  • high school graduation
  • your first kiss
  • first date
  • first time you got laid
  • going away to college
  • your first drink
  • the day you got married
  • birth of your children
  • your children's firsts
  • the times you laugh
  • the times you cry
  • your successes
  • your disappointments
  • your losses
  • your achievements
  • those who have hurt you
  • those who have loved you
  • when you laughed
  • when you cried
  • when you were happy
  • when you were sad
  • when you felt safe
  • when you believed
  • when you had the courage to take risks
  • when you developed the wisdom to avoid those risks
  •  when the world was a gentler and kinder place to live
If you could turn back time, would you?  What would it accomplish?  Would you do things differently?  Probably not !!

Oh there are many things in life that we may regret and would like to have changed but we cannot turn back time.  We can remember and learn from those experiences, so we avoid making those same regrets again. 

There are a few things in my life I would like to change but I know I cannot.  But I thought I would share a few of my regrets with you . . .

If I could turn back time, I would
  • been a more of a leader than a follower in my early years
  • not of let others take advantage of me or make baseless assumptions
  • never pull over on the side of the road to change drivers
  • never let alcohol blur my judgments
  • fight for what is right rather than relying on others to be objective
  • confront situations rather than trying to avoid confrontation
  • of liked to stay home with my children when they were young
  • of liked to have more time with my children
  • have been more laid back and taken life a bit less seriously
  • enjoyed each moment I had with everyone who is important to me
  • of had a nose job when they had to reset it- am not going through that pain again

 Remember as adults we must set examples for our children.  It is experiences (good and bad) that influence the person we become.  Children will develop their own regrets and hopefully they too will remember when . . .  They can learn from those past experiences by applying those lessons to future ones, always taking steps forward to better future.

Remember to always believe, enjoy, laugh and love!!!  Life should be fun!

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