Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Preschool Tips~ for ALL!!!

For the next month I will be sharing simple parenting and classroom tips that will make your life a bit simpler if you try them.  Just remember to be consistent and stick with the ones you try.  Do not try all of them at once, it may be overwhelming for you but you can add new ones from time to time.  I will include 5-10 tips a day that follow the same area of learning for your child.  The first group deals with guidance and discipline~
  • Use postive speech~ tell your child what you want them to do not what you don't want or like
  • Use positive speech in setting rules at home and in the classroom.  Have children help create the rules.  It has more meaning to them and helps with self-esteem.  Review the rules daily until they can recite them back to you without your help.  You may want to revisit rules from time to time with your child to see if they should be changed or adjusted.  You can also discuss consequences at this time.
  • Give positive reinforcement and incentives for good behavior
  • Recognize good behavior always~ignore bad whenever possible (not causing a disturbance or putting self or others in harms way).  Typically the inappropriate behavior will stop because they are not getting any recognition or attention which is typically the purpose of behaving in any manner especially as a young child.
  • Remain calm at all times.
  • model ecpected behavior
  • BE CONSISTENT and follow through!

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